
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Vlogging gone global!

Hey! How is it? Yes it's true the global village is closing fast...all beacuse of Vlogging!!! Now I can go to the U.K. without a passport and with my sunscreen! I can go to The Land Downunder and learn all kinds of major lingo, I can see rehashs of the same format..(now that I got Snapz I can rule the world!) And I can learn what's going on in Paradise! Yes this a great thing! I highly suggest that you VLOG too...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That part about how vlogs can't hide behind thier formats anymore crack my shite up. I head to rewind to hear it again. The deilvery was excellent. It's like an awesome commercial for Snapz Pro.

Friday, 18 August, 2006  
Blogger Randy said...

nice vlog reviews.
just looking at your vlog roll. and i noticed i wasnt on it.is my vlog so pethitic that you wont put my link up?? is my vlog so terrible you wont spend your time to review it??

randy mann


Friday, 25 August, 2006  

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