
Friday, January 20, 2006

Zip,Xenon,Courtesy & the whole thing?

Hey! it's everyones true love....Smithie Boho!
K so I have been working around the vlogworld, between owning up to my sponsors and writting novels I have little time to vlog. Alast I am here. Our first vodcast is great in that it is a private matter exposed! very well done! | Our second vidblogcomes from this duder who's a xenon
I feel for the little guy non the less. | The third vid pod comes from this lady whos is revealing her life from another part of the world very cool. | And last but not least comes the Monsters that Fight! You can also go there and vote!
Keep the video podcasts coming as there is no one way to showcase your talents. If there is a vblog you think should be reviewed send Smithie a link to Bofoboho@yahoo.com

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Colorado, Success, & Success!

Yeah! I know you missed me! Sorry for the delays but smithie has been busy on his publicty tour. Although it has come to my attention that theres other successful video blogs. The first comes from Colorado? | Our second vlog got some success and I can see why. | And last but not least the Z-man and his super success.
It's all how you define it folks.
Aight it looks as if the 320x240 w/ Smihtie Boho will be coming on Tues. and Thurs. unless dings change yeah? I also want to thank everyone who's written us keep it coming

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Smithie's first interview!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Rock n Roll, rOckn'rOlL,RoCkiNrOlL, & Hawaiian shirts?

< Aight, dis is the Rock n rollinst episode of 320x240! first up with our brethen is da Black Keys smithie's choice cut band on this rocking channel YEAH! ~|~ Second up is these dudes...Hawaiian shirt fight club you all beter OBEY and don't get hurt! ~|~ Our third video cast comes from these peeps the kids may have to be over 15 years of age...YEAH! ~|~ And last but not least our last video froms the Gate to the West and this ain't no funnies production.
I want to thanks all of you for your continued support and don't forget to email.

Friday, January 06, 2006

320x240 is under review for broadcast on CURRENT TV Give us the green light!

O.k. here's the dealio! 320x240 is going into rotation at CURRENT TV YEAHS! but what this means is that 320x240 w/ Smithie Boho is going to have to go on Hiatus. In order to get in to the studio rotation I have to remove all "live" video links. I understand you need you Smithie Boho fix but in the long run it could turn out to benefit many of us. Also If you are interested in a review 320x240 w/ Smithie Boho please contact me via: bofoboho@yahoo.com
I thank all of you for your continued support and VOTE for 320x240 W/ Smithie Boho on Current TV


Thursday, January 05, 2006

Linear time,performance art,Japan, & a Tiny tube

Hello! yeaaaa! I found some tastylious vlogs that I know your all going to love. I am sorry about yesterday, internet provider went down :( | O.k. lets get to it, the first vblog deals with the end of linear time? Whoa!. ~|~ k our 2nd vlog is from over our friends to the east and I am enamoured YEA! ~|~ This third blog comes in as a performance piece very cool! ~|~ And last but not least is a new fantabulous video blog I love!
Thanks for joining me!
keep on vlogging
untill next times!
Smithie Boho

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Dogs? Dogs? Ducks, and what's this?

Hello! welcome todays 320x240! The first vlog we are going to looks at was brouth to my attention from yesterdays "caviar" segments. This is Richard Show I still don't know what's happening? ~|~ Our second video comes from Human-Dog I found this video blog yo be entertaining and the acting is top notch! | The 3rd vodcast comes from Bicycle-sidewalk I was amazed at this guys vid blog! ~|~ Last but not least is a audio file with a still picture, I don't know what this is? If some on can fill me in , I would be much happier @ work.
Untills Next time,
Smithie Boho

Monday, January 02, 2006

Steve & Chuck,Caviar, and Zadi

VIEW HERE http://youtu.be/dYKJgABvpWg

Yeah! hows everyone doing? so I explored some of the vlogosphere and came across this exclusive 1st episode of Steve & Chuck Bucky sezs: OBEY | Our second vidblog comes from iamdooser it's thought provoking, and it deals with caviar! Yum. | This third on is from Bottomunion I liked and the fish move it move it. | Last but not least is Zadi I like this vlog! it looks like her transition from Brooklyn to L.A. has done her well.
Next time,
Smithie Boho

Tv, tV,tv,TV

View Here!

>O.k in this installment we look at the use of TV. | First up is this Tiki Bar TV Yeah! I like drinking on the internet, and where did the guy get that leopard shriners hat? | The second video is from Lucian over at Daily Planet TV Yeah! I love TV on the internet. | The Third clip come from Binside-Tv PLEASE watch the audio on this one, I'm sorry. | Last but not least comes from one of my personal favs (as of recent) Chasing Windmills Yes! no TV and it's just as original as it's name. See you Next time,
Smithie Boho

On Twitter @SmithieBoho


Hello! Our first vlog comes from Rodger of Puppetkites he makes some super cool stuff. | The second vidblog comes from Mortaine this is where the chicks come in! | Number three is a vodcast from a comedy troupe ohthehum it codntinues with the chicks theme, I found it fantabulous! | Last but not least comes from this guy. The page isn't loading Oh well, I loved it.


VIEW HERE! http://youtu.be/B9LO4hiPESw

Yeah! our first vlog review here @ 320x240... k hold your excitement. Our first vlog comes from Energylab and it's a vodcast from NYE in Germany! | Our second review comes from Joan Falk looking to buy a house? anyone...| O.k. our 3rd vlog comes from Scott this man amazes me to no end. | And last but not least Brother Mike O.k untill next time.http://youtu.be/B9LO4hiPESw